Spotlight on WoofPack User Kelly Sanford

Spotlight on WoofPack User Kelly Sanford

Kelly Sanford has a Unique Job with Ohio Geese Control

What is your job? What do you do in your job? Why is your job unique? What do you like about your job?

I am a Dog Handler for Ohio Geese Control. I work with a pair of border collies named Hawkeye and Nova to manage Canada Geese and encourage them to move out of places where they clash with humans. We go daily to sites that have hired us, and the border collies essentially herd the geese off the properties. We vary our timing because geese are smart enough to figure out a schedule if we keep one. We are also certified with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources because Canada Geese are a federal protected species.

I love my job. It is unlike any other job with which I am familiar. It does involve a lot of driving and being alone in the car with the dogs, but I enjoy the autonomy and the OGC team, starting with owners Marci and Jeff Hower. They are always available and tremendously supportive. I am very much a dog person (and a horse person), so this job is a perfect fit for me. We even had the privilege of housing and acclimating Ohio Geese Control's newest dog until his working home was ready to take him on.

How long have you been using the WoofPack? What do you like about the WoofPack? How does the WoofPack help make your job easier/more efficient?

I bought my WoofPack at the Geauga Humane Society's Woofstock on September 18, 2018 and have been using it daily since then. I had been using a waist treat pouch for years, but the WoofPack is a big step up. I have room for training treats, poop bags, a pen, my phone and just about any other small items I might want to carry.

I am generally not too far from a trash can, so I haven't needed to test the scent-blocking ability of the main pocket for full bags. I do not, however, notice the smell of the treats I put in it. I wear the pack around my waist and it stays put all day.

In October, I was diagnosed with an allergy to insect venom, and the WoofPack easily accommodated the addition of a pair of epinephrine auto-injectors. That keeps them with me without risking them being forgotten or exposed to temperature extremes as they might be if left in a car.

Would you recommend the WoofPack to other dog owners? Why?

I would - and do recommend the WoofPack to other dog owners, for all the reasons stated above. It allows me to keep everything I want and need with me while working and while doing chores around my farm and keeps my hands free. It is comfortable enough that I am not aware of it most of the time, except that it is reliably there when I need it.

Kelly got a second Pack for Christmas from her mother so now she has a spare!

Want a more enjoyable dog walking experience? Get your WoofPack.

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